The higher windway whistle has a more open and traditional sound, and luckily, had no hint of buzzing. No start-of-note chiff at all, and very little in-note chiff, the tone is complex and easy on the ears.
Volume: Short airway: The first octave is about the same volume as a Sweetone, but the second octave is quite a bit louder. Higher airway: A bit louder than it's brother, this would be more at home at the busy session I play a
Responsiveness: For both heads, I had no problems playing crans, cuts, etc, at speed and without sounding muddled. Every bit as responsive as I would like.
Tuning: It's copper, so it really requires a good warm up. Also, probably a good idea to keep it under your arm, or down your shirt, or sit on it to keep it warm when you're not playing it at session, so you don't come back in flat. A very slight push on F# required, but that's normal for most whistles. Must drop breath considerably to bring B into tune, or it's around 20-25 cents sharp.
C-natural: OXXOOO is good, with a very slight reduction in breath.
Hole size and placement: Holes are moderately sized, well rounded, and centered down the whistle. They look much improved over the last time I reviewed an O'Brien.
Air volume requirements:
Short airway: Lower than average in the first octave. I can play two full reps of a jig at moderate pace, easy. But it goes up as you enter the 2nd octave and start having to push more breath through it.
Higher airway: A little more air is needed with this one. I found myself running out of air sooner, but it wasn't that big of a jump from the other one.
Air pressure requirements:
Short airway: slightly below average in the first octave. Slightly above average in the 2nd octave, ramping up as you go up the scale...with the exception of that second octave A, of course.
Higher airway: Not that much more than the shorter one, really. Plays pretty easily and doesn't require too much agression in the second octave.
Clogging: Copper whistles clog like nobody's business. This whistle definitely benefits from the Duponol treatment.
Wind Resistance: Negligible. I wasn't really able to play either of these whistles outside in the wind very much.