FAQ Question

What's the best whistle?
Everyone has different tastes, both in how a whistle sounds, and how a whistle handles. Some like airy whistles, with lots of mystique. Others like sweet and pure whistles. Some whistles are exquisitely crafted by master craftsmen. Others look a little rougher and more rustic. Loud, soft, hard blowing, soft blowing. People just have different tastes. The best you can do is try to get a whistle that meets up with your tastes and expectations. And If you're new, those tastes and expectations are going to change as you grow.

That's why I started reviewing whistles, which you can find in the Reviews section. There are other reviewers as well: Phil Hardy, maker of Chieftain whistles, has a reviews section on his Kerry Whistles website. James Peeples reviews whistles and flutes on Flutesite

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